This guide shows how to create a transaction using PalmPOS.

How to create a transaction

1. Click on any item you want to add into your cart.

2. Click on “Cart” logo tab to preview your cart.

3. Click the name to amend the item name for this bill. Click on the price to amend the price of this item for this bill. Click “+” and “-” or click on the quantity to amend the quantity.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

4. Swipe left to set item Remarks, Discount or delete item from your cart. Discount can be set by Percentage or Amount.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

5. Click “…” button to access Bill Discount, Bill Remark, Hold Bill or Clear Bill.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

6. After everything is completed, press “PAY” button to proceed to payment. Choose payment method you want.

Cash : Pay by cash

Scan QR : Scan customer’s e-Wallet QR Code to collect payment

Show QR : Show Dynamic QR to customer to collect payment

7. Type “Amount” of customer pay. If the amount is the same, you can just click the Pay with actual amount. Below are quick cash function as preset Ringgit Malaysia cash amount to choose and count for change. Click the arrow button to show Final Total details.

8. After click “Pay”, the receipt will print out and the transaction is success. You can reprint receipt again by clicking Print Receipt. Can click “PDF” Button to send as PDF. Click Start a new sale to proceed to new transaction.

Prepared by Min Yik 250217