This function allows you to maintain outlet terminals. Each terminal can have their own settings and configuration which different with each other.

To access terminal, click on the Master Data icon > Terminal.

Creating a new Terminal

To create a new terminal, click on the “+New” button.



Active: Indicate if this Pos Terminal is active or not. Unticking this will resulted frontend will not be able to get this terminal.
Testing: Indicate this Pos Terminal as testing terminal if ticked. All the transaction will be in testing mode. You will not be able to perform pos posting with testing terminal transactions.
Terminal: To key in your terminal name. Eg. T01, T02
Terminal Settings: To determined your terminal settings.
Description: To key in your terminal description.
Outlet: To determine this terminal fall under which outlet.
Email: To key in email for this terminal, will be use by close counter notification feature.
Initial Cash: To set your default amount of initial cash during open counter.
Enable Close Counter Notification: Ticking this, when close counter, system will send a copy of your close counter report to the email that you have maintain for this terminal.


Receipt Doc. Format: To set your document format number during posting for your receipt voucher.
Payment Doc. Format: To set your document format number during posting for your payment voucher.
Journal Doc. Format: To set your document format number during posting for your journal voucher.

Master Data

Menus: To filter your menus on outlet.

Enable All Menus: Ticking this will disable Menus filter and all menu you maintain will be available at your outlet.

Credit Cards: To filter your credit cards on outlet.

Enable All Credit Cards: Ticking this will disable credit cards filter and all credit cards you maintain will be available at your outlet.

Debit Cards: To filter your debit cards on outlet.

Enable all Credit Cards: Ticking this will disable debit cards filter and all debit cards you maintain will be available at your outlet.

E-Wallets: To filter your E-Wallets on outlet.

Enable all E-Wallets: Ticking this will disable E-Wallets filter and all E-Wallets you maintain will be available at your outlet.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

**Make sure to synchronize after committed the changes.

Creating a new terminal settings

To create a new terminal settings, click on Terminal Settings.

Then click on the “+New” button.


Terminal Settings: To key in terminal settings name. Eg. Klang, PJ, KL
Description: To key in terminal settings description.
Default: To set these terminal settings as default if other terminal did not assign any specific terminal settings.



Rounding Option: To select your rounding adjustment types.
Date Format: To determine your date format.
No Sync Notification(days): To set how many days should the system notify the user if sync fail.
Enable no sync notification: To enable notification to the user if sync failure. Untick, system will not notify the user if sync is failed.


Quantity Decimal: To determine your quantity decimal places.

Unit Price Decimal: To determine your unit price decimal places.

Cost Decimal: To determine your cost decimal places.

Percentage Decimal: To determine your percentage decimal places.

Currency Decimal: To determine your currency decimal places.

Currency Rate Decimal: To determine your currency rate decimal places.

Display fixed size decimal: Ticking this option will result your decimal places to show even if the value is 0. Eg. 1.00, 1.10 instead of 1, 1.1.


Don’t print receipt: Ticking this option will default frontend print receipt option to be unticked.

Don’t print hold bill: Ticking this option will default frontend print hold bill option to be unticked.

Don’t show print receipt dialog: Ticking this option, frontend will not show printing dialog during receipt printing. 

Show “Reprint Receipt” remark on reprinted receipt: Ticking this option during reprint receipt, there will be a remark on top stating “Reprint Receipt” on your receipt.

Print two copy of bill: Ticking this option, your Open Counter, Cash In, Cash Out, Close Counter, Kitchen Printer, and Receipt will be printed out 2 copy.

Close Counter

Allow close counter for cashier: You can close counter by cashier (shift base) if this option is ticked.

Check outstanding bill on hold: Ticking this option, system will show a list of hold bill that have not been converted to Cash Sales during close counter.

User Interface


UI Language: To determine the UI language for outlet terminal.

Auto Screen Lock(mins): To key in the value in minutes how long should the system idle before auto lock screen. Will disable if enable auto screen lock is unticked.

Enable auto screen lock: To enable(tick) or disable(untick) auto screen lock feature.

Main Screen

Net Total Font Size: To key in the value of your font size. Will disable if customize net total font size is unticked.

Customize net total font size: To enable(tick) or disable(untick) customize net total font size feature.

Quantity separator: To determine your quantity separator symbol that will be printed on your receipt.

Display promoter: To enable(tick) or disable(untick) promoter feature.

Display menu: To enable(tick) or disable(untick) menu feature for your terminal.

Use spacebar to make cash payment: To enable shortcut feature that when you press spacebar on your keyboard, system will recognize as proceed to payment.

Don’t block input when product not found: User will not need to press OK button when the search result for product is invalid.

Quick Buttons

Enable quick payment buttons: To enable(tick) or disable(untick) quick payment buttons during payment screen on your terminals.

Button Amount: To key in the value of the button as in cash. Eg, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 1

Enable quick discount buttons:  To enable(tick) or disable(untick) quick discount buttons during payment screen on your terminals.

Button Amount: To key in the value of the button as in discount percentage. Eg, 5, 10, 20, 50


Remark for Transaction: To maintain your default remark for transaction which can be chosen on your terminals.

Remark For Cash In/Out: To maintain your default remark for cash in/cash out which can be chosen on your terminals.



Open Product Default Tax Code: To maintain your default tax code for open product.

Prompt cashier to choose: If enabled, system will always prompt to choose tax code whenever you use open product.

Merge Document Details: To determine which type of merge user would want to choose when user scan 2 same product code in a row.

Prompt cashier to fill customer information: If enabled, system will always require user to key in customer information for every transaction.

Prompt warning on zero net total: System will warn the user that current transaction are zero amount.

Prompt cashier to choose promoter: System will always prompt the user to choose a promoter ID whenever they open a new transaction.

Set promoter for whole document: System will set the promoter ID to the whole transaction by default.

Filter promoter by outlet: Certain promoter will appear or will not appear on this terminal depending on the pos user default promoter setting you have set.

Use product alternate description: System will default using alternate description instead of default description.

Goods return require receipt number: During return, user must select a receipt number which customer will provide so system can refer which transaction this will return from.

Allow trade in: User can stock in item as trade in which this normally use for pawn shop or handphone shop.

Enable backorder control: After enable this feature, system will prompt warning to remind user that this item is already backorder (negative amount).

Void Control

Only allow void today’s document: You will be able to void transaction for today only.

Start time End time: To determine your today transaction time range.

Price & Discount

Calculate discount on unit price: To calculate discount on unit price instead of subtotal of the product. Only apply to row discount.

Limit Selling Price: To control your selling price base on option below.

Not allow below minimum price: You will not be able to sell product which below minimum selling price.

Not allow below by cost: You will not be able to sell product which below cost.

Apply to discount: Apply to product after discount if ticked or before discount if unticked.

Service Charge

Enable service charge: To enable(ticked) or disabled(unticked) service charge.

Service Charge Rate (%): The value of default service charge rate. Will be disable if enable service charge unticked.

Inclusive: To calculate service charge base on exclusive(if unticked) or inclusive(if ticked).

Default Service Type: To determine your default service charge.

Default Tax Code: To determine your default tax code on your service charge.


Enable Tax: To enable(ticked) or disabled(unticked) tax.

Rename Tax to: The name of your country tax. Eg: GST, SST, VAT

Inclusive: To calculate tax base on exclusive (if unticked) or inclusive(if ticked).


Non Discount Products: To maintain your product which could not be discounted from promotion or manually by row discount.

Non Service Charge Products: To maintain your product which are not chargeable for service charge.



Stock Cost Encode String: To encode your cost so your staff do not know the actual cost of the item.

Cash Drawer Notification

Enable cash drawer notification: To enable(ticked) or disable(unticked) cash drawer notification feature.

Email: To key in the email that you will be receiving the notification.

Amount Threshold: To determine the value of cash in your drawer exceed certain threshold system will notify via email.

Interval (mins): To set the minute of resend the email until user cash out from cash drawer.

Use your SMTP server: To enable(tick) or disable(untick) your own SMTP server settings.

Host: Your SMTP link. Eg:

Port: Your SMTP port number.

From Email: System will send email using the email that you maintain here.

Enable SSL: Enable(tick) or disable(untick) SSL security.

Required authentication: To maintain your outgoing email.

Username: To key in outgoing email username.

Password: To key in outgoing email password.

Weighing Scale Barcode

Enable weighing scale barcode: To enable(tick) or disable(untick) weighing scale feature.

Verify barcode: Enable this option if you need the system to verify the printed barcode which will be generate using standard algorithm.

Price Flag Digit: This is a number to differentiate weighing scale item from other items.(Example : 99)

Product Code Start End: Maintain the position (in which digit) of starting digit and ending digit for weighing scale item code.

Price Start End Decimal: Maintain the position (in which digit) of Starting digit and Ending digit and also the number of decimal for the item price.

Directly update unit price:  If this option is enabled, the transacted price will be taken as Unit Price.

Quantity Flag Digit: This is a number to differentiate weighing scale item from other items.(Example : 98)

Product Code Start End: Maintain the position (in which digit) of starting digit and ending digit for weighing scale item code.

Quantity Start End Decimal: Maintain the position (in which digit) of Starting digit and Ending digit and also the number of decimal for the quantity.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

**Make sure to synchronize after committed the changes.