This function allows you to maintain your POS user. Each cashier should have their own login POS user ID so admin can keep track what they did.

To access pos user, click on the Master Data icon > Pos User.

Creating a new Pos User

To create a new pos user, click on the “+New” button.


Name: Login pos user ID name.
User Role: Pos user ID role for access right control.
Password: Login password for pos user ID.
Confirm Password: Reconfirm password for pos user ID.
Outlet: Assign which outlet this pos user belong to.
Default Promoter: Assign promoter ID for this pos user.
Phone: User phone number.
UI Language: To set this pos user ID will displaying which language from the system.
Note: Key in any additional notes or remarks of this pos user.

Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

**Make sure to synchronize after committed the changes.

Pos User Role

This function allows you to maintain your POS User access right. You can limit and control what your staff should be able to do at frontend.

To access pos user role, click on Pos User Role at Pos User page.

Then click on “+NEW” to create a new POS User Role.


User Role: Name of your pos user role. Eg: Supervisor, CashierA

Row Maximum Discount (%): To limit how much row discount can this role give.

Total Maximum Discount (%): To limit how much total discount can this role give. 

User Role: Tick to give this role access right. Untick it and system will require password (user who are able to perform this action) to perform this action


Click “Save” to commit the changes once you had done keying in or editing the required information.

**Make sure to synchronize after committed the changes.


Login frontend with your new POS user ID that you have just set.

If you do not have access right, system will prompt out supervisor password.